Tatum’s Favorites: 1 Year Old Edition

A much long overdue and requested post is up today finally: Tatum’s Favorites. For anyone reading this that is not familiar, Tatum is my 15 month old daughter– so I am going to share some favorite toys, products we love with her right now, snacks, clothes, etc.


*Play Sink: oooooh the sink– if she could have one toy only, it would be the sink hands down! The faucet is battery operated so actual water comes out of it and flows back into the sink. All you have to do is fill it up with water! I will say it can get messy depending on the age of your child. I will usually put a towel down underneath if we are inside with it or just take it outside and let her go to town!

*Mini Dyson Vacuum: also high on her list— the girl LOVES when I vacuum. She actually received this toy as a present for her birthday and she has played with it every single day since. Also a battery operated toy, you can turn the vacuum noise on and there is a little compartment that throws beads around in the middle to look like a working vacuum. Its pretty cute and super affordable!

*3 in 1 Walker: oddly enough she is still super into her walker, even though she has been walking on her own for months. I really think she just loves that she can run and go fast with it! Also, the amount of interactive buttons and lights on it keep her very entertained!

*Play Kitchen: Also something she received as birthday gift, and she LOVES it! The actual kitchen itself is pretty dang cute and then I ordered some more affordable accessories (plastic food, pots and pans, chef hat/apron) to go with it! Highly recommend + I know she will get use out of it for years!


These definitely change week to week, but these are always her favorites:

  • GOLDFISH (#1 by a landslide–we buy the big boxes)
  • Cheerios
  • Cheese Cubes
  • Honey Sticks
  • Breakfast Chicken and Maple Sausages
  • Strawberries
  • Green Beans
  • Dr Praegers ANYTHING
  • Guacamole– not kidding we order it just for her LOL
  • Bananas


*Highchair: not really something I thought was a big deal, but thank the lord I listened to my mom, because quality counts! Tatum has this highchair and I could not rave about it enough. It has a removable tray and straps, which makes cleaning a breeze, and inclines back and forth. You can also lock the wheels on it which is really nice! I actually think price/quality matters in this department because it is something you will use multiple times a day, every single day.

*Car Seat: we switched her over to a ‘big girl’ car seat a while back–she outgrew her first one quick (long legs LOL)– but I wanted to note it, because I have zero complaints about it. Everything is adjustable, has cup holders, leg rest for when shes older, can face back or front, and will last her for a few years. This is the car seat we have for her– it is pricey but because of how long it will last us I feel like its worth it!

*Stroller: I have had this since I was pregnant and have truly loved it through every stage of her first year. When she was a newborn, we had the bassinet attachment which I LOVED — like would get it for that reason alone. Then we transitioned into using her car seat with it, which made it super easy to move her from the car to out and about. Now we use the stroller seat for it and she loves it! I can attach her little snack tray and its perfect! Another reason I love the stroller so much is because of allllll the storage it has in the bottom + pockets. Some people complain the stroller is too heavy, but I have never really noticed it!


To be honest, when Tatum was growing like crazy I would buy most of her clothes from resale shops (Once Upon A Child is our jam), because IMO it is not worth it spending money on clothes they will wear one time. BUT now that she has leveled out a bit and isn’t growing quite as fast, these are a few of my favorite places to shop for her:

  • Target
  • Walmart
  • Old Navy
  • Carters

Hopefully, this was helpful for all with little ones Tatum’s age! If you have any questions or any other favorites for 15 months old, please leave it in the comments below!